On-hold marketing strategy

4 Steps to Implement a Successful On-Hold Marketing Strategy

On-hold marketing strategy

Have you ever considered adding on-hold messages to your marketing mix but you’re unsure if of the benefits… then here are 5 reasons why you need it!

  • Increases customer satisfaction
  • Enhances customer experience
  • Increases caller retention
  • Generates new sales
  • Elevates your brand

On-hold messages are an essential marketing communication strategy for your business., So, if you don’t have an on hold messaging strategy, and are considering implementing one, here are a few easy steps to get started:

Step 1 – How do on-hold messages fit with your current marketing strategy?

Firstly, don’t just start to write random scripts, sit down and think about what you want to achieve from a business perspective and how you can tailor scripts around your current marketing strategy.

Are you looking to grow a particular part of the business? Or introduce a new product or service? Or do you regularly run special offers or promotions that would interest your callers?

On hold messaging allows you the flexibility to regularly update your messaging to reflect your current marketing strategy and align them to your marketing plan.

Step 2 – Get Approval

If you’re the decision-maker then these facts should convince you that you need an on hold marketing strategy. However, if you’re not, then you will need approval from your manager. The best way to get this is to provide them with a good business case and here are a few stats to get you started:

  • A whopping 70% of callers are placed on hold.
  • A staggering 88% of callers placed on hold prefer to hear messages or music as opposed to silence.
  • You could be losing business as a result of silence – an estimated 60% of callers will hang up if left in silence and 30% won’t call back.
  • Up to 20% of callers placed on hold made a purchasing decision based on information they heard whilst waiting.
  • You can save money on resources – 56% of incoming callers received the information they needed via the on hold message. So freeing up your employees to concentrate on their day job.

A good way to quantify these as missed opportunities is to measure your own inbound calls for a short period of time. Then measure how many are placed on hold and then multiply this by the number of days your business is open annually. For example, if you place 10 people on hold in a single day — your company could be missing over 3,500 opportunities annually.

Step 3 – Find a good Supplier

There are many suppliers out there who offer on hold messaging. The trick is to find one who offers a great service at a price that fits your budget. Nothing says they are a great company to work better than feedback from happy clients.

Have a look at their website and check out independent reviews like google. For example, Onhold Studio has a page dedicated to feedback from clients, Also, take a look at our blog 7 Questions To Ask Your On Hold Message Provider.

Step 4 – The Script

You’ve written your marketing strategy. You’ve found an on hold production partner. You’re now ready to write the scripts for your on hold message. If you have found a good partner, they will help you write this. At Onhold Studio, we can even write this for you.

If you are writing your own script, remember to write the way you talk, be conversational. The message could be cut off at any point, so keep your message short and succinct.

Messages can include:

  • The Business hours of operation
  • Specific marketing promotions
  • Pointing people to your website
  • Promoting your social media
Need some inspiration?

Fill in our Free Demo form and we’ll send over audio examples from your industry and a bespoke audio sample to share with your team.

You rarely get a second chance to make a first impression, we can help you make that first impression count.

About us and this blog

Onhold Studio has been developing custom on hold audio messages for almost two decades! We specialise in audio marketing for both VoIP and conventional telephone systems. Our team can handle every step of the process for you, whether you need music or on hold messaging, call menu options, or out-of-hours audio messages.