New Year On Hold Music Update

Are You Making The Ultimate Marketing Sin?

It’s a new year! Don’t bore your callers to death with the same music or voices year-in year-out. Have you thought about updating your tired on hold messages with something new for the new year? Our on hold music library is bursting with tunes! From classical to reggae and meditative to electro — we have an extensive selection of music for you to choose from.

Why bore or frustrate your existing and potential clients with redundant elevator music, when your customers can enjoy quality up-to-date music custom to your company’s brand and audience. Whether you’re a gym and want to feature upbeat pop tracks or a wellness physician who wants to soothe their customers’ ears with inspiring and meditative music — we have a wide variety to choose from.

Even if you think not much has changed with your products or service, presenting them differently can improve results dramatically. Maybe you’ve gone green? Maybe you have newer technology that can help customers reduce time?

Just as it’s important to select a voice that complements your business, music used on your phone system should also complement your brand. When selecting your music — consider your industry, your callers’ preferences, and the image that you’re trying to project. Taking all three of these components into consideration will help customers.

The simple fact is, it’s time to get back to basics and think about what makes you different from competitors and the advantages you offer customers and prospects. This can help create copy that will transform your message into something that sounds wonderful and new.

If you feel compelled to update your on hold message, but don’t have the time, or are starved for some inspirational, dazzling new script ideas. The good news is we can help! Give us a call and let one of our creative scriptwriters help get the creative juices flowing!

Need some inspiration?

Fill in our Free Demo form and we’ll send over audio examples from your industry and a bespoke audio sample to share with your team.

You rarely get a second chance to make a first impression, we can help you make that first impression count.

About us and this blog

Onhold Studio has been developing custom on hold audio messages for almost two decades! We specialise in audio marketing for both VoIP and conventional telephone systems. Our team can handle every step of the process for you, whether you need music or on hold messaging, call menu options, or out-of-hours audio messages.