on-hild marketing missed opportunity

Is your Missed call a Missed Opportunity?

on-hold marketing missed opportunity

With the rise of social and email communication and you could be forgiven for thinking a missed call isn’t that big of a deal, but you would be wrong.

The actual impact of a missed call on your business is a missed opportunity. Research shows up to 80% of business communication still takes place over the phone and billions of pounds are being wasted annually on poor customer service.

The phone is still the number one method of communication for customers, so the last thing you want to do is regularly miss calls or lose callers because of an ineffective answering solution.

However, there are several reasons you may be missing calls:

  • Staff are overstretched
  • Prioritising other methods of communications
  • Staff away from their desks
  • Relying on customers leaving a voicemail
  • Incoming calls after hours

The odd missed call may not seem too much of a big deal on a day-to-day basis, however, if you think about the 85% of people who call and don’t get an answer won’t call back, so you can see that over time, you’re losing quite a lot of revenue. Not only that, but unanswered calls also reflect badly on your customer service levels, combine that with the fact that around 70% of people who perceive a company’s customer service to be poor will stop dealing with them and an alarming 60% would move across to a direct competitor.

How can you fix the problem?

The best way to never miss a call again is to implement an on-hold marketing strategy, read our last blog 4 Steps to Implement a Successful On-hold Marketing Strategy.

An on-hold marketing strategy would see your customer service levels improve, your sales boosted. And your call abandon rates decreased.

What is on-hold marketing?

If you get it right, a good on-hold marketing strategy can:

  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Increase caller retention
  • Generate new sales
  • Elevate your brand

You can do this by including important company news and updates to your callers. Integrate your marketing messages with your broader marketing mix. Things you can include are:

  • Your company’s good news
  • Promotions and offers
  • Point people to you FAQ
  • Your hours of operation
  • Pointing people to your website
  • Promoting your social media

About us and this blog

Onhold Studio has been developing custom on hold audio messages for almost two decades! We specialise in audio marketing for both VoIP and conventional telephone systems. Our team can handle every step of the process for you, whether you need music or on hold messaging, call menu options, or out-of-hours audio messages.