Firework display

Fireworks On The Phoneline

Fireworks On The Phoneline

2021 is behind us and with that, the hustle and bustle of business is beginning to peak as people return from their holiday breaks back to work. And it’s no wonder businesses are so busy at the start of the year, this is the time people reinvent themselves, their new resolutions could be the first stepping stone to becoming a customer of yours. This includes your phoneline.

Year after year the telephone is still the most widely used method of communication between customers and businesses, and why not, it makes sense, have you ever been waiting for a company to get back to you via email? It can take weeks! But pick up the phone and give them a call and you’re right there with their full attention. This blog will emphasise the importance of a professional standard telecommunication setup.

First Contact

Social proof carries a huge weight in business, people want to know what kind of experience a company is consistently providing, a customer calling a company that they are uncertain about will mean the first impression is even more critical than usual in bridging that gap between interested and invested, one thing that’s not going to impress them is an outdated holiday jingle or dead silence when trying to connect to a team member. The time in which the caller is first connecting provides the opportunity for a welcome menu to clearly lay out what avenues are available to contact, this kind of message will imprint an orderly perception to the caller, in which you have cared enough about your customer journey to make it as straight forward as possible.

The In-between

It’s common to have to pop a customer on hold sometimes if you need to try a colleague’s line or for whatever reason but remember, while you’re actively engaged in the next process they are simply waiting, why not use this as an advertising opportunity, they’re guaranteed to be there and guaranteed to be listening, with your own custom scripted on hold voice message whether it’s about accreditations, awards, services, company background or anything you want them to hear they are there and willing to receive that information.

Any Holidays coming up that will affect your business operating hours, delivery times, or capacity to take calls? Get the word out there before the troubles start rolling in, there’s nothing worse than being stuck in a call queue without knowing why.

Missed The Call But Not The Opportunity

Maybe the call queue ran a little bit long or the caller just wasn’t aware of your open hours. An out of office message can save everyone from repeated call-ups and confusion by letting them know exactly when the lines closed and when they’ll be open. For those who provide callbacks, you can request the caller to leave their details after the message concludes.

Without clear information it can be easy for someone to become annoyed at the service it can’t reach, this negative view can lead them to seek alternate services, whereas stated open hours are understandable and allow them to try again within those times.

Now You Know

Congratulations on graduating the Onhold Studio telecom boot camp, the information you have absorbed will allow you to make clear informed decisions in accommodating your audience in the best way possible.

Take a look at our client testimonials to see how we work.

About us and this blog

Onhold Studio has been developing custom on hold audio messages for almost two decades! We specialise in audio marketing for both VoIP and conventional telephone systems. Our team can handle every step of the process for you, whether you need music or on hold messaging, call menu options, or out-of-hours audio messages.