
Turning your Book into an Audiobook


A recent survey showed more than 45% of adults have listened to an audiobook at some point in their lives. Audiobooks have had a boom in recent years. The UK audiobook market is now worth over £190m and has grown year on year by around 19.6% since 2017. Globally the market is worth around £2.5b.

So, if you’ve recently written a book, then you should consider making an audio version, and it’s not as hard as you might think. Offering an audiobook alongside your traditional book is a great way to increase your sales.

Narrating Your Book

Obviously, the most important part of the audiobook Is the narrator. It might be tempting to do this yourself; I mean who knows the book better than you? But one thing you must consider is the professional quality. Narrating the audiobook, yourself might be a good option if it’s a biography, but other genres could benefit from an experienced professional.

If you are considering recording your audiobook yourself, then you need to think about your:

  • Equipment – preferably hiring a studio to achieve the best quality
  • Manuscript – when you are ready to record, make sure your manuscript is audiobook ready, try using a document holder to mimimise noise, if reading from a computer, be mindful of the keyboard clatter.
  • Recording – you may need different file types for different platforms depending on where you plan to launch your eBook, so be sure to do your research before you record
  • Editing – you will need to have your files professionally edited, to remove any accidental background noise or pauses you may have made. Be sure to include this in your budget

The Alternative

If that all sounds too daunting, then why not consider hiring professionals, companies like Onhold Studio work with voice talent with a variety of backgrounds. The other benefit of using a professional service like Onhold Studio is they know how to edit the audiobook so it’s ready to be sold, removing any gaps in the audio, or unwanted background noise. Take a look at our testimonials to see what our clients think.

Next you’ll need to market your book, check out our blog What is SMART Marketing if you’re looking for tips on measuring your marketing.

About us and this blog

Onhold Studio has been developing custom on hold audio messages for almost two decades! We specialise in audio marketing for both VoIP and conventional telephone systems. Our team can handle every step of the process for you, whether you need music or on hold messaging, call menu options, or out-of-hours audio messages.